Wedding Music
Below, you will find recordings of music suitable for weddings at our parish.
Please note that most of these recordings are done by musicians not affiliated with Holy Spirit Parish.
Some of these songs may be done on organ instead of piano (or vice-versa) at the musician's discretion.
Please direct any questions and concerns to
Processional Music - Instrumental
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (J. S. Bach)
Prince of Denmark's March (J. Clarke) also good for Recessional
Reminiscent Joy (T. and R. O'Neill)
Trumpet Tune (J. Clarke) also good for Recessional
Offertory Hymns
Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life
Communion Hymns
Not for Tongues of Heaven's Angels
La Rejouissance (G. F. Handel)
Trumpet Tune in G (J. Bankson)